Developing students with a heart for God who grow as Jesus did "in Wisdom and in Stature and in favor with God and man" Luke 2:52
Since 1992
70 Souls Harbor Way / Boggs Road London, KY 40744 606-862-0509

Dear Family and Friends of Cornerstone Christian School:
We are excited to begin the process of constructing new facilities to meet the needs of Cornerstone Christian School. Our school is growing at an unprecedented rate and we believe God is calling us to pursue great things in the ministry of Christian Education. As Ephesians 3:20 reminds us God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we ask or think!!! Imagine the impact CCS will have in the lives of our students, families, community, and most importantly the Kingdom of God. The need for Christian education has never been greater than in today's culture. CCS is a fully accredited Christian school providing excellence academically while imparting a biblically sound worldview. We are currently in the process of constructing three new classrooms for the 2021 to 2022 school year. These classrooms will allow our school to continue to grow to meet enrollment demand as we are currently out of room. We have already privately secured much of the cost for this expansion and we are now entering the home stretch. We ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us financially to support the ministry of Christian education at CCS as we endeavor to grow our school. All funds will be used to help cover the cost of these classrooms.
Thank you for partnering with us in the ministry of Christian Education!
Update on 6/28/21: We have two needs in addition to these classrooms that we need to meet as soon as possible. If you would like to donate specifically to a particular need listed below please specify in the comments section so that we know where to allocate those funds. Those needs are listed below:
1. Removal of a wall for new preschool location. $2,195.00
2. Remove wall and relocate to extend classroom space in Middle /High School. $4,407.00
Update on 7/6/21: Cornerstone would like to say thank you for your generous donation to our classroom build. Cornerstone exists due to the kindness of people like you who want to help raise up Christ-like adults with a heart for God. There is no greater investment than the future of our youth. We pray blessings to you for your kindness and that God would multiply your gift for the uplifting of his kingdom. God Bless you! - CCS