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Cornerstone is excited to offer this opportunity for our students in 2nd Grade through High School once again for our 2019-2020 School Year.  Bible Bowl is a quick recall program started in 1963 where students compete over their knowledge of scripture.  Bible Bowl consists of two divisions which are Beginner which is 2nd grade - 5th grade and Teen which is 6th - 12th grade.
There are many reasons why participating in Bible Bowl is a good opportunity for our students.
  • Encourages students to read the Bible consistently.
  • Offers Scholarship money to Christian colleges at the summer tournaments.
  • Teaches helpful study, memorization, and test-taking skills that can be applied to other areas of life.
  • Builds teamwork and sportsmanship
  • Fosters a mentoring relationship between student and sponsor/coach.
  • Connects students throughout the region and nation with other like minded students.
  • Gives students a competitive outlet in a Christian atmosphere.

Round Robin Competition Schedule



  • October 6th          Center Point Church Lexington Ky

  • November 10th     Community Christian Church London Ky

  • December 8th      Freedom Christian Church Lexington Ky

  • February   2nd       TBD Lexington Ky

  • March     Date/Time/Location To be announced (Possible National Competition Louisville, Ky)

Bible Bowl has local league play once a month, October through May. Each team will play all the teams in their division for the greatest number of wins. If competing regional tournaments are in June and national tournaments are in July.



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