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Developing students with a heart for God who grow as Jesus did "in Wisdom and in Stature and in favor with God and man" Luke 2:52
Since 1992
70 Souls Harbor Way / Boggs Road London, KY 40744 606-862-0509

No Cost Ways to Support CCS
Kroger Community Rewards
Kroger will donate a percentage of it's community donation every quarter to Cornerstone for every person that links their Kroger card to our school. It's easy to do.
Simply go here or the image to the right and login to your Kroger account or creat an account, then search for our school by name or number. (Cornerstone Christian School # 10537). Once added you will begin earning for the school just by shopping at Kroger.
Coca- Cola Give
Find codes inside bottle caps, cartons & cases of Coke products
Set up a Coca Cola Rewards account
Enter rewards on the School Profile page by clicking here, or the photo to the right.
You can also send your bottle caps and cut out codes to Mrs. Creech at the school and she will get them entered and post a monthly donation amount.
You can find a list of participating products by clicking here.
Box Tops For Education
Buy your favorite Box Tops Products
Cut out the Box Top from each package.
Send your Box Tops to school with your child
Cornerstone will earn money to support our students.
You can find a list participating products by clicking here.
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